Shifting Fate

Alright, so I finally went and did it. I spent the past week or so re-reading my book and finally decided to self-publish. I read about self-publishing on Amazon for e-book purposes. I think it’s really neat how you can self publish for the Kindle, or Kindle apps, on their website!

So, if you have any mobile device with a Kindle application (generally gotten from your application store), you can read my book on it! You can even read it on your computer (you just have to download the Kindle reader).

Please check it out. Click HERE to see it listed on Amazon!

Here’s some info! I originally wrote this during NaNoWriMo a few years back…

Shifting Fate

Times in the mystic realm of Lizon are changing. The Great War remains a distant past for many, but for others, the bleak past is all too clear. When the royal family of Alii is targeted, the kingdom’s only Princess begins a quest to set things right. In a world completely controlled by fate, Brynn of Alii must fight against the Shifters, bent on altering the predestined future, to save the world she knows and secure destiny.

About koshermuffin

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