Tag Archives: sysill

Publishing Nonsense

So, my Sysill story was published and I ended up getting a lot of fan mail from it. Or should I say, fan NEOmail. I got lots of neomails from other neopets users saying they loved my story and that it was funny, yadda yadda yadda. Many wanted me to write another. I’ve been thinking about it, but the thing with Sysill is, you can’t force him. He’s the type of character you just can’t force to be funny.

I’ve never written much in the humor department. I like to think I have a sense of humor. It’s entirely possible that I don’t. It’s also entirely possible that I’m sitting here talking to myself on a blog that no one in their right mind would read. 😛 See, that was a little funny.

Anyway, Sysill has made me happy. And since I’m so happy, and undamaged by the world of publishing, I have decided to try and submit my District One: Columbia story. I’ve been reading Stephen King’s On Writing and it has inspired me to try. There’s nothing wrong with trying. The problem is I keep revising and revising and just need to can it in the bag already. I think this is always a problem with writers; they always see something they need or want to fix.

So, today is my last and final day of editing. Tomorrow, to the rejection bin.